Students Free Speech Rights Violated by Pro-Abortion Professor

This month a College Professor was caught in the act of tearing down a display made by the Right to Life of Northern Kentucky Students on their campus. To the right you can see the Professor who led students in her class to violate the freedom of Speech of Pro-Life Students. Professor Sally Jacobsen lead students under her in tearing apart the Right to Life group's approved display and throwing it in the garbage. According to a Northern Kentucky University student on the Laura Ingraham Show, Professor Sally Jacobsen coerced some of her students to tear apart the School approved display, which robbed Pro-Life students of their freedom to express themselves.
The Northern Kentucky Right to Life Students made a solemn cemetery for those lives who have not had the respect of getting a cemetery plot. Aborted babies are simply discarded and treated as less than human. When you look at their dead bodies you can see that they are more than just a

How did Dr. Sally Jacobsen respond to this solemn respect of life? She tore apart their sign (upper right) and threw out their plots, desecrating the graves (left and below). I am sad that our country is in a condition that College Professors coerce young students to tear apart the hard work, art and free speech of other students.

Don't let freedom and liberty be silenced. Speak out and don't let lady liberty be shut up by Professors who hate free speech.